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10Lingua originale10
Portoghese brasiliano Espírito Livre; Conhece A Ti Mesmo;
Espírito Livre;

Conhece A Ti Mesmo;
Gostaria que as expressões fossem escritas de duas maneiras:

a primeira, com as palavras escritas com as primeiras letras maiúsculas, exemplo: "Conhece A Ti Mesmo" / "Espírito Livre";

a segunda maneira de forma normal como em uma frase, exemplo: "Conhece a ti mesmo"; Espírito livre"

Muito Obrigado...

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese Free Spirit; Know Thyself
Greco Ελεύθερο πνεύμα, Γνώθι σαυτόν.
Ucraino Вільний дух; Пізнай себе
Latino Liber anime, cognosce te ipsum.
Ebraico רוח חופשית; הכר את עצמך;
Giapponese 精神を解放せよ、汝自身を知れ、
Hindi मुक्त आत्मा
Lingua originale
Inglese Tattoo for me back
Learn from yesterday, live today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop forgiving.

Traduzioni completate
Greco Τατουάζ για εμένα πίσω
Arabo تعلّم من أمس, عش يومك, وأمُل لغداً. المهم أن لا تتوقّف عن الصّفح
Ebraico טאטו
Spagnolo Aprenda del ayer...
Latino Disce a heri,
Russo Живи сегодняшним днем...
Cinese semplificato 珍惜今日,谨记昨日,展望明日
Giapponese 今日に生きよ、
Ebraico חייה את היום, למד מהאתמול וקווה למחר
Arabo عش اليوم....
Greco Ζήσε για το σήμερα, μάθε από ....
Cinese 珍惜今日,謹記昨日,展望明日
Latino In diem hodiernum vivas, ex die ...
Greco antico ζῇ ἕνεκεν τῆς ἡμέρας τῆς νῦν...
Bulgaro Живей за днешния ден,
Greco Μάθε απ' το χτες, ζήσε το σήμερα, έλπιζε για το αύριο.
Turco dünden ders al,bugünü yaşa
Lingua originale
Inglese function autocomplete
The autocomplete function is trying to complete the word you are looking for, after each typed character.
thanks in advance

Traduzioni completate
Svedese Den automatiska kompletteringsfunktionen
Turco otomatik tamamlama fonksiyonu
Norvegese Den automariske supplerende funksjon
Giapponese オートコンプリート機能
Lingua originale
Svedese En dag är det "i morgon".
En dag är det "i morgon".
En positiv innebörd. Att man väntar på att en speciell stund/dag kommer, och att den en dag kommer att dyka upp.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese One day, tomorrow will come.
Giapponese いつか明日は来る。
Lingua originale
Bulgaro Аз съм силен
Аз съм силен

Traduzioni completate
Inglese I am strong
Ebraico אני חזקה
Giapponese 私は強い
Lingua originale
Inglese "To [AN CAFE] and all the supporting staff, I...
"To [AN CAFE] and all the supporting staff,

I hope you had a happy new year! This is a fan from England; first of all, thank you for coming again. I'm so excited about the concert on 24th March! I went last year too!

Actually, I have a request for the concert this year...
Please please please do a handshaking and signing session in England too! I promise you we love you over here just as much as the Finnish do!"
My favourite band are coming to England for a concert soon and I want to send them a message via video.

I would be ever so grateful for your help! Even partial translations would be wonderful!

-I don't mind whether you write in kana / kanji or romaji. Either would be helpful. :)
-Names are contained within []
-Vocabulary you can omit if you like: 'supporting staff' and 'handshake session'.

Traduzioni completate
Giapponese [AN CAFE]とサポーティング・スタッフのみなさんへ
Lingua originale
Inglese insanely addicted
I'm insanely addicted to you

Traduzioni completate
Latino Sum insane cupidus tui
Giapponese 狂おしいほど夢中
Lingua originale
Inglese Expert assistant
Expert assistant
It's a title, a rank. Like in this example : Peter has been promoted "Expert assistant".

Traduzioni completate
Esperanto Asistanta spertul(in)o
Portoghese Especialista assistente
Portoghese brasiliano Especialista assistente
Svedese Assisterande expert
Spagnolo Asistente de experto
Turco Uzman yardımcısı
Olandese Expert assistent
Greco Βοηθός διαχειριστής
Catalano Especialista assistent
Rumeno Expert asistent
Tedesco Expertengehilfe
Bulgaro Помощник-експерт
Polacco Asystent eksperta
Ebraico עוזר למומחה
Italiano Assistente specialista
Danese Ekspert assistent.
Albanese ndihmës
Ungherese Szakértő munkatárs
Serbo Asistent eksperta
Cinese semplificato 助理专家
Slovacco Asistent odborníka
Faroese Hjálparserfrøðingur
Islandese Aðstoðarsérfræðingur
Norvegese expert assistent
Bosniaco Asistent eksperta
Giapponese エキスパート・アシスタント
Finlandese asiantuntija-assistentti
Arabo مساعد خبير
Russo Помощник эксперта
Lettone Eksperta palīgs
Ceco Asistent experta
Persiano دستيار متخصص
Lituano Eksperto asistentas
Ucraino Помічник експерта
Cinese 助理專家
Coreano 숙련된 조교
Croato Pomoćnik stručnjaka
Estone Spetsialistist abiline
Hindi विशेषज्ञ सहायक
Thailandese ผู้ช่วยผู้ชำนาญการ
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